My Five Lovable Children (fifth)

Hi everyone, its me again Lynn Garcia of senioritywise blog.. I'm sure you're already waiting for my  blog about my youngest child. Well his name is Daniel.. He is the baby in the family but he is not a mama's boy. He is the most studious among my children or should I say intelligent. But seldom, I see him holding or reading a book. I could only see him reviewing his lessons if they have an exam on the following day. But, he never dissapoint me he still get an excellent grades despite of not being serious about his way of studies. Daniel's past time is playing "dota". Actually, he was a bad influence to his classmates. When he was still in high school he taught his classmates how to play "dota" so, he could have someone to play with to be his opponent or maybe a teammate. When he went to college, he become an active in student organization and had joined the varsity swimming competition. However, I told him to quit his swimming so, he could be able to consentrate more on his studies and he did it. Daniel have so many friends in college. In fact, his batchmates becomes his "barkada" (peermates), they sometimes would plan to go outing and have a food trip in their favorite hangouts. Daniel has never been tired of studying, presently he enrolled taking Masters degree while still maintaining his work in a Hospital. Daniel's ambition is to become a medical doctor someday.. As a person, whatever he plans for himself he would surely do it. As a son, Daniel is sweet and thoughtful to me. He listens to my advice but sometimes he would do what he really wants. At home, he sometimes help in cleaning household chores but he would prefer to do whatever he wants to do first. He is the one assigned to clean the bathroom but if he is busy, his other siblings will do it whoever is available. Daniel, would never forget to send me a message and he would send a message just to tell me that he missed me and to say "I love you Ma". And I love him too for being such a loving son.

So, here he is Daniel my son:


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